Extending ownership to employees is part of a unique business model and journey towards IPO.
Today, MFT announced the expansion of its ownership base from 24 to 36 partners. Extending a fair sense of ownership to as many employees as possible is part of MFT’s philosophy and business model.
Designed to encourage entrepreneurial ambition, the model provides a guaranteed income for each employee and a comprehensive support platform that includes access to capital and markets, IT and legal services, coaching and mentoring, back office administration, and a strong brand.
“By offering co-ownership, not only do we increase employee motivation dramatically – we also create a competitive edge by strengthening the connective tissue of our community. We improve the day-to-day business together, and celebrate successes together. We’ve created something completely unique,”
Torben Nordal Clausen, CEO
A recent addition to MFT’s ownership base is Deldar Nawzadi, a support team member at the company for the past three years.
“It means so much to have a stake in the company. It’s really motivating to take part in an entrepreneurial journey with my colleagues. A sense of ownership makes us want to work extra hard, and that lifts us individually and as a team. We all bring individual skills to the team and help each other improve, which in turn improves us collectively,”
Deldar Nawzadi, Data Analyst
For further information contact Communications Responsible, Heidi Frederikke Sigdal on +45 22 15 11 78 or email: hf@heidifrederikke.dk and visit our News page where you can sign up for our newsletter and get notified on new updates from MFT Energy.